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IRAM 2063:2001

IRAM 2063*



Third edition


Modification Nº1:2003 is included in this printing

Bipolar electrical ungrounded plug, for 10 A, 250 V of alternating

current, for household and similar uses

Corresponds to review of IRAM standard 2063:1982.

Numeric reference:

IRAM 2063:2001


A non-profit civil association, the Argentine Institute of Standardization IRAM (in

Spanish, Instituto Argentino de Normalización), in its capacity of Standardization

Organ of Argentina, is concerned with the establishment of technical norms -unlimited

in whichever the field they cover- and fosters the application of standardization as the

basis of quality by promoting product certification procedures and quality systems in

companies to provide for consumer satisfaction.

IRAM is Argentina’s representative at the International Organization for

Standardization (ISO), at the PanAmerican Commission for Technical Standards

COPANT (in Spanish Comisión Panamericana de Normas Técnicas) and at the

Standardization Committee for MERCOSUR CMN (in Spanish, Comité MERCOSUR

de Normalización).

This IRAM standard emerges from the technical consensus reached among the several

parties involved, which, through their incumbent representatives, have acted in the

corresponding Standard Study Organs.

This corresponds to the review of IRAM standard 2063:1982.

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