Technical Articles

IEC 60617: Graphical Symbols for Diagrams used in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

IEC 60617: Graphical Symbols for Diagrams used in Electrical and Electronics Engineering




In the field of electrical and electronics engineering, graphical symbols play a crucial role in representing various components, devices, and systems. These symbols provide a standardized way of communicating complex information in a simple and visually appealing manner. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has developed a comprehensive set of graphical symbols known as IEC 60617, which is widely used by engineers, technicians, and designers around the world.


History of IEC 60617


The development of IEC 60617 can be traced back to the early 20th century when the need for a universal language for electrical and electronics diagrams became apparent. In 1932, the British Standards Institution (BSI) published the first edition of BS 3939, which introduced a standardized set of graphical symbols for electrical diagrams. Over the years, BS 3939 evolved into IEC 60617, which is now recognized as the international standard for graphical symbols in electrical and electronics engineering.


Scope of IEC 60617


IEC 60617 covers a wide range of graphical symbols, including symbols for electrical components, electronic devices, power generation systems, and control systems. These symbols are organized into categories based on their function and application, making it easy for engineers to find and use the symbols they need. The standard also provides guidelines on the use of graphical symbols in diagrams, ensuring consistency and clarity in communication.


Benefits of using IEC 60617


One of the main benefits of using IEC 60617 is its universality. Since the standard is recognized internationally, engineers and technicians from different countries can easily understand and interpret diagrams created using IEC 60617 symbols. This promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing among professionals in the field of electrical and electronics engineering.


Another advantage of IEC 60617 is its flexibility. The standard is regularly updated to include new symbols and adapt to changes in technology and industry practices. This ensures that engineers have access to the latest symbols and can accurately represent even the most cutting-edge technologies in their diagrams.


Furthermore, the use of IEC 60617 symbols can improve the efficiency of design and documentation processes. By using standardized symbols, engineers can quickly create clear and coherent diagrams that convey complex information in a concise and understandable way. This can lead to faster decision-making, fewer errors, and smoother project execution.


Implementation of IEC 60617


In order to effectively implement IEC 60617, engineers and designers need to familiarize themselves with the standard and its guidelines. Training programs and resources are available to help professionals learn how to use the symbols correctly and create high-quality diagrams. Additionally, software tools and applications are available that provide libraries of IEC 60617 symbols for use in CAD drawings, circuit designs, and other applications.




IEC 60617 is a vital tool for engineers and technicians working in the field of electrical and electronics engineering. By providing a standardized set of graphical symbols, the standard promotes clarity, efficiency, and collaboration in the creation and interpretation of diagrams. Engineers who adhere to IEC 60617 guidelines can benefit from improved communication, increased productivity, and enhanced quality in their work. As technology continues to evolve, IEC 60617 will remain an essential resource for professionals seeking to harness the power of graphical symbols in their designs and projects.



Contact: Eason Wang

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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